As a digital calendar, the Skylight Cal Max works best when everyone in your family has easy access to its interface. This allows them to quickly add events, chores, or meal plans to the calendar while away from home. Once your Skylight Cal Max is installed, it's incredibly simple to send invites to everyone else in the home that needs access. As long as you and the person you want to invite have a smartphone, the process should take no more than a few minutes.
Here's how to add a new family member to your Skylight Cal Max.
Add a new member to your Skylight Cal Max
With the Skylight app open on your mobile device, here's what you'll need to do.
Step 1: From the Devices menu, select the Skylight Cal Max.
Step 2: Scroll until you see the Share tile. Click on this to open a new menu.
Step 3: Select your Skylight Cal Max from the list.
Step 4: Press Share Device Link.
Step 5: Your phone should then pull up a list of ways to share the link with your family and friends. This screen may vary slightly depending on whether you're using an iPhone or Android device, but generally you can send the invite via text or email.
Step 6: Once the invite is sent, the prospective member will just need to follow the instructions to install the Skylight app and join your Cal Max group. They'll then be able to view and edit the events on your calendar.
There isn't a quick way to remove people from accessing the Skylight Cal Max, so be certain you want to add someone to the group before sending an invite. If you do want to remove someone's access, you'll need to perform a Reset. This returns the device to its factory settings, meaning you'll have to go though the setup process again — but it'll also remove every other previously synced account.
To reset your Skylight Cal Max, simply find the Settings menu on your Cal Max and scroll to the Reset Device option. This will walk you through the entire process (and give you another warning about what data will be lost).